My Accolades

CONGRATULATIONS!  You've managed to find my Top Secret page!

If you're reading this, then you've somehow figured out how to access my secret list of Accolades.  I never intended for anyone to really find this page.  I made it because one of my peers insisted that I do it to keep track of things, and to make me feel better whenever I feel like I'm not enough.

Brain weasels are never good.

This has a combination of both my arts and my fighting.

To the left is a handful of my medallions I received with each award.

My "Real" Order of Precedence 

Here's a list of all the awards I've ever won from across the globe.  Yes, I made a spreadsheet.

This is what happens when you bounce all over the world like a volleyball.   

MeiLan's Awards

The Quest: Win a Martial and an A&S Competition in Every Kingdom

Once upon a time in the early 2000s, I decided that I was going to try and win a competition of each type in every kingdom.  

Yes, it's a lofty quest.  

This isn't something I'm expecting to accomplish in this lifetime, but it's sure fun to try!

The following is not an exhaustive list of all my wins, but rather a collection of the ones that I remember.  I've also won other things.


Located on the upper left hand corner of North America.  This is where I was born and grew up.

A&S : January 2022 

Knowne World Scribal Competition: Advanced Category: 2nd Place
Event: Known World Backlog Scribal Competition

This was a virtual competition that featured competitors from all over the world.

This was the SECOND A&S competition I've entered in my life.

Rapier: Date Unknown 2007
Event: Unknown

I can't remember what it was, but it was my first tournament win.  It was also the first tournament ever, and  I had won outside of my home Barony.  I believe this was at Cold Keep.  I won a cup!

Atlantia - COMPLETE

I've livted up in Sacred Stone then Windmaster's Hill.

A&S : October 2023

Scrivener Royal Competition
Event: Coronation

The above was one of the scrolls I used to win the Scrivener Royal competition.  I used two scrolls to enter the competition.  

Rapier : January 2023

Nottinghill Coill Baronial Championships
Event: Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday

This is me and my co-champion, posing in our Champion regalia.  I won both the overall championships for rapier, and the first blood tournament that day.


An Tir and Avacal broke apart, so I'm counting my wins in this area versus the ones I did in An Tir.

A&S : Shire Champion 2009
Event: ?

I served as the A&S champion of Bitter End using a combination of scrolls and documentation for fencing.  The scroll above was not my competition piece, but rather the scroll I received after my time ended.  This shows that I both won a competition there, and I served successfully as a Champion.

This was also the VERY FIRST A&S competition I ever entered in my life.

Rapier: November 12, 2022

Coronation Bearpit Tournament
Event: Coronation

This is me with Duchess Nasheeta right after I won the tournament.  She presented me with my first place prize.  Unfortunately, it was a rather sharp and pointy dagger.  The TSA doesn't like stuff like that being brought on planes.  It went to the kingdom Seneshal instead as a present.

AEthelmearc - In Progress

But of course...

A&S: December 2, 2023
Peace Tourney: First Place
Event: Delftwood Yule

This is a copy of my first place prize scroll.  It's absolutely beautiful.  I won using a scroll I brought with me, then two smaller works-in-progress made out of the entries of two other competitors: both of them made period ink. 
I demonstrated the use of their period inks in both calligraphy and illumination, plus how they behave when they're being used to dye perg.

Rapier: TBD 

I'm working on it!  I need to find a tournament to win, somewhere.

East - In Progress

I also lived in this place!


I'm working on it!

Rapier: September 2, 2022
'For the Cause' Tournament: First Place
Event: John Barleycorn- Crown Province of Ostgardr Investiture and Fight For a Cause Tournament

This was an amazing tournament where I fought along side a partner on the heavy field.  That partner and I fought our way through the top.  It was a super hard competition, but somehow we made it.  The above photo is me and the King after Court.  He gave me his personal token made out of silver for winning the tournament.  That's me holding it in my hand.

The Classes I've Taught - not an exhaustive list

General Science Topics

Scribal Arts


Scrolls by the Numbers - 2023

Number of scrolls created: 30

Average number of scrolls per month: 2.5

Number of AoA level created: 8

Number of GoA levels created: 3

Number of Peerage created: 3

Number of competition award scrolls created: 4

Number of other high merit created (once a reign, court baronage): 3

Number of children's scrolls made: 2

Number of writs made: 1

Number of kingdoms serviced: 6

Atlantia, Artemesia, An Tir, Avacal, East, AEthelmearc

Scrolls by the Numbers - 2022

**Rough estimate because I didn't get my website until now, and I'm crappy at keeping track of stuff

Number of scrolls created: 30

Average number of scrolls per month:  2.5

Number of AoA level created: 16

Number of Baronial level scrolls created: 5

Number of GoA levels created: 3

Number of Peerage created: 2

Number of competition award scrolls created: 1

Number of other high merit created (once a reign, court baronage, etc. . .):  2

Number of children's scrolls made: 1

Number of writs made:  0

Number of kingdoms serviced: 4 Atlantia, AEthelmearc, Midrealm, East