Making the Tabs
To the left is an Indenture signed by Charles I- 1646. Right is a charter by John Stewart-1556.
English Indenture dated 1646 with Two Wax Seals
The reference for the tabs and wax seals for our Indenture is based off of this Indenture signed by Charles I and dated 1646. This Indenture was recently sold on a Canadian auction site. This lot features both the Indenture and a Charter by John Stewart in favor of John Cochrane, 22, Fer 1556, and has large, wax seals.
Close up of the wax seal found on the Indenture. It appears that the tab is made out of a leather of some sort, inserted through an opening in the Indenture, folded, and then lightly knotted before a wax seal was applied.
The charter was folded. The words "Carta Johamne Cochrane" was written on it. You can faintly see the date written underneath "22 Fer 1556"