MeiLan's Art
November 25, 2023
I took some time off of doing art stuff in order to drive home to spend some time with my family. In the meantime, I added the final documentation to Folio 127.
November 18, 2023
After a lot of work, I just received confirmation that all 3 of my scrolls have been awarded at the various courts across the Known World.
November 15, 2023
Mad rush to finish a scroll. From start to finish, about 3 hours and 20 minutes.
MS 20, Folio 13
Yay, finished it.
November 11, 2023
New scroll went out today in Artemisia. Documentation is up on Mira Hours, Folio 118.
November 6, 2023
Currently working on some comissions. Got stuck on a project and reached out to the newly minted Master Patris de Terra Lepori OL for help. He generated these lovely images in photo editor for me to see if it would inspire me for an upcoming project. While I like the look, I don't think it quite works for this project. Either way, it's nice to see other tools being used to help solve problems.
November 1, 2023
It's the start of a brand new month and I'm already up to my elbows in work. I've formally started a new project here called "Project: Mira Hours" where I am working on recreating the folios from the Mira Hours.
I've also added a lot of work and formatting to another page that I thought I had finished, but I forgot. I added more depth and detail into the other Mira hours I had already completed, seen to the left.
Finished my second scroll today
Itty, bitty spoiler on this scroll that will be going out in a week. This piece is from the Cod. Pal. germ 359 "Rosengarten zu worms." Special thanks to Master Clewin for letting me paint him into this piece.