Golden Phoenix Scroll

The Finished Scroll

Time Used: 5 hours

Materials Used:

Hand: Uncial

About the Design

I chose this design because I felt like this best suited the project and the recipient.  When I was approached by Her Majesty for this project, I went out searching for suitable projects for this individual.  During this time, I got to learn a lot about the recipient, her life, and her experiences as told by those close to her.

The recipient portrays a Song Dynasty (960-1279) persona in the SCA.  I struggled a lot with finding a good inspiration for design because a lot of the extant I had access to were too degraded, or didn't visually appeal to me.  As a person who also has a Chinese persona of the same era, it was never easy to find designs that were documentable. Oftentimes, designs that I thought were period, were really fantasy-based and used in modern cinema.  It also did not help that a lot of the pieces from this era were locked behind a political firestorm being waged in China that affected access to these resources.

I dabbled in a lot of designs that ranged from a Chinese watercolor on a rolled scroll to embroidery and finally on this design.  I chose not to use a Chinese watercolor design or an ink painting because I currently do not have the skill set or tools available to create one.  I felt that I would have very limited success in completing the project if I attempted that.

I wanted to make something for her that her persona would probably use.  I noticed that she had a lot of golden ornaments in her hair, so I chose a design from a pair of Ming dynasty (1368-1644) for her.

CORRECTION: I misunderstood that this recipient was Song dynasty (960-1279), she is Tang dynasty (618-906).

What's Up with Your Calligraphy?!

After consulting with my Peers and Her Majesty, I made the decision to write her scroll text in Uncial (1) rather than in traditional Chinese calligraphy or a faux hand.  I chose to use Uncial because it is likely that her persona would have encountered that hand through the Silk Road.

I made this decision because of numerous concerns being raised in the scribal community that the use of faux hands was racist and offensive.  Personally, I've received scrolls with both faux Chinese and block lettering.  Out of the two, I appreciated the scroll written in block letters because it was easier for me to read and understand.  While my faux Chinese hand scroll was very beautiful and sits in a place of pride in my display cabinet,  it is still difficult to read and I have no idea what it says.  For me, the wording on the scroll carries as much value as the artwork on the scroll.

For a lot more information on Chinese calligraphy and stone rubbings, you can click here

The Extant

Pair of Gold Hairpins in Phoenix Shape 金鳳簪, gold, mid-16th century. Overall (each): 9 13/16 × 2 13/16 × 9/16 in., 0.3 lb. (25 × 7.1 × 1.5 cm, 0.1 kg).

On loan from the Hubei Provincial Museum, P.R. China © Hubei Provincial Museum 

Found at

The Variations and Similarities in Designs of the Phoenix

I've included an extant of a Song Dynasty (960-1279) crown featuring phoenixes.  Note the similarities and variations between the designs of the two eras.  Overall, I felt that there was not too big of a stylistic variation between the two:

Song Dynasty Phoenix Crown 

Photographs of crown can be seen at

Scroll Words by Wol Bi(2)

Among flowers, Yuchi Meili stands in Atlantia's Hall before Afhin and Yasmin, Rulers standing proudly tall, award arms presenting,  heeding people's cheerful call as our custom so dictates following our protocol done at Crown Tourney on May AS 57.

Applying Instacoll and Gilding

I apologize that I didn't take any photos of the initial steps.  I found it impossible to photograph the pencil sketching stage because of the black paper.  I didn't photograph the application of the Instacoll or gilding because humidity levels were high, and I wanted to take advantage of it and apply the gold before the weather changed.

I used raised gilding for this project, and polished it with glacine paper.

My Sample Swatch

I created this to help me figure out how each paint would look on the paper.

Comparing Color Palette to the Paper

I played a lot with colors for this piece to figure out what paints would look best with the raised gilding.  

Choosing a Complementary Gold Color

Choosing the right color gold was the hardest part of this piece.  Gold comes in different shades that range from orange-based to straw yellow, and pink and white.  I ran several tests on sample paper to see what shades of gold worked best for this project.  When I was finished, I took this photo to share it with another scribe.

In Progress Shot

Every so often, I like to post progress photos on Social Media when I feel that something is missing from my project.  When I do that, I cover up any names or identifying features to keep the project from being leaked by accident.

I left the pencil lines in place instead of erasing it.   The pencil lines are so faint that they wouldn't be visible, if the viewer is looking at the scroll from 3-5 feet away.  You can't see if unless you're looking at the scroll closer than 10 inches away from it.

Adding More Texture

A major piece of feedback that I received from the scribal community was that I didn't have enough texture in the piece.   I needed to add more light and shadow.  I did this by adding more cross-hatching to the piece.  I added more cross-hatching in the areas of the feathers and also added a thin layer of watercolor over top.

This worked well for the project because the watercolor blended really well with my Finetec paint.  Both were water-soluble, so it created a very nice effect.

Departures from Period Technique

What I Learned

Footnotes:(1) Uncial is a calligraphy hand that was primarily used between the 4th and 8th centuries by Greek and Latin scribes.  It is a hand that has widespread use by the Byzantine, African, Italian, French, Spanish, Irish, Welsh, and English centers.  Variations of Uncial are still used today.
(2) The wordsmith responsible for these words had sent me documentation for it.  It is based on a Ming Dynasty poem. Unfortunately, we both have misplaced where we put the documentation.(3) Nushu was referred to as the "secret language of women" in China.  Read more about it here:,the%20face%20of%20daily%20struggles.